Fresh Loyalty Club
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Loyalty Club Rewards & Offers
Loyalty Club Rewards & Offers
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Fresh Beauty Co. Loyalty Club Rewards & Membership Benefits
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Congratulations, Brydie Lanyon! 🎉


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can I participate in the draw?
Simply sign in or join our Loyalty Club and make an order online to participate in the gift card draw event. 

Q2. How does the draw work?
We run this draw automatically every month and you automatically enter the draw if you sign up or sign in and make a purchase within that month.

Q3. When will the winners be announced?
The winners are announced first day of the month. Fresh Beauty Co. loves their customers and believes that they should be rewarded. Simply join and shop now to go in the draw for $500 Gift Card.

Q4. How will I receive my gift card?
If you're selected as a winner, you will be sent an email with our digital Fresh Beauty Co. $500 Gift Card. Please make sure to check the spam folder in the inbox.

Q5. How can I redeem my gift card?
You can use your Fresh Beauty Co. eGift Card to purchase absolutely anything sitewide from over 60,000 beauty products. The gift card can only be used on and is not redeemable for a cash or refund.

Q6. Question not answered above?
You can email our friendly customer service team at to ask any questions you may have.